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Tips for a Great VLA Conference

Whether you're attending the VLA Conference for the first time or are a seasoned pro, remember these tips to ensure you have a great experience:

1. Plan Ahead

With two days of programming ahead of you, take some time to view the entire conference schedule at  to determine the programs you want to attend.

2. Know Where You’re Going

The conference will be held at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott, 235 E Main St, Norfolk, VA 23510.

For information on getting there and parking, click here.

3. Grab Your Badge

Your badge will be available for pickup once you complete registration. If you arrive in time for the early registration period, you will find the VLA table in the Norfolk Foyer on the first floor of the hotel. Plus, our silly ribbons will be back and are sponsored by Lyngsoe Systems.

Starting at 9:00 AM on Thursday, badges can be picked up in the REAR of the Exhibit Hall (located in the Norfolk Ballrooms on the first floor of the conference center.)
 VLA Conference Snapshots

4. Review VLA’s Statement of Appropriate Conduct

The Virginia Library Association (VLA) values your attendance at VLA-sponsored events and is dedicated to providing a welcoming, safe, and supportive experience for everyone.  VLA seeks to provide an environment in which diverse participants may learn, network and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect. We ask that all attendees abide by the ALA Statement of Appropriate Conduct.

5. Dress for the Day

Virginia weather is unpredictable at best, so we suggest dressing in layers to make sure you are not too warm or too cold. Keep in mind that you may be doing a lot of walking, so don’t leave your comfortable shoes at home!

6. Don’t Forget Your Appetite

We will have meal tickets available for pickup at the registration table for anyone who has purchased them, but that’s not your only option for food! There are several wonderful nearby locations to enjoy if you’d like to support local businesses.

7. Post Away

Get social with #VLA2024! Share photos and your experiences on social media for other attendees and anyone experiencing some FOMO.

 Use hashtags #virginialibraryassociation, #2024vla and #vla2024

VLA Conference Snapshots

8. Visit the Exhibits

Exhibits will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Take some time to check out what our exhibitors have to offer – library materials, continuing education opportunities, and something special for yourself. Exhibits help to underwrite the cost of the conference and keep registration fees down – so please help us make our exhibitors feel welcome.

9. Challenge Yourself & Meet Someone New

Step outside your comfort zone – sit with someone you don’t know at lunch. Seating is open, so take a chance and make a new connection!

10. Discover Something New

Attend a program outside your experience or take advantage of some local free tours happening on Wednesday, October 16. There will be an All-Conference Social Event on Thursday and we will also be prescreening a movie.

11. Tell Us What You Think

Your feedback will help us plan next year’s conference. Please take a moment to fill out the conference evaluation which will be emailed at the end of our conference. We really do listen to our attendees!

12. Take the Next Step

If you enjoy your experience at the Libraratory, check out the VLA website to sign up for one of our Forums, check out the VLA Jobline, or learn about how you can best support all of Virginia’s libraries.


Cardinal Cup Award Banner

2025 Cardinal Cup Committee: Seeking Members

Are you a history buff?  Do you enjoy reading new juvenile and young adult literature? Apply to be a member of the 2025 Cardinal Cup Award Committee!

The Cardinal Cup (formerly the Jefferson Cup) honors a distinguished biography, historical fiction or American history books for children and young adults. Presented since 1983, the Cardinal Cup Committee’s goal is to promote reading about America’s past; to encourage the quality writing of United States history, biography and historical fiction for young people and to recognize authors in these disciplines.

The Cardinal Cup Committee selects the winning titles for the Cardinal Cup Award. The committee has 8 members: a chairperson (selected by the previous year's committee), 6 committee members selected by the current chair, and the advisory past chair of the previous year's Cardinal Cup Committee. All committee members must be members of VLA and are all voting members of the committee.
Submit your application by 11:59PM on August 30, 2024.
Current Award WinnersApply for the Committee Button



Graphic Novel Diversity Award Banner

2023 Virginia Library Association Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winners

The Graphic Novel Diversity Award (GNDA) celebrates diversity captured within the pages of graphic novels. In 2023, our eighth year offering the award, 47 publishers submitted 162 titles in two categories– Adult and Youth. The Committee is proud to announce the winners and honor books selected for the 2023 Award.

The two winning titles will receive a $500 award and will be recognized during the Opening Session at the 2024 VLA/VLACRL Annual Conference on Thursday, October 17, 2024. This year's conference is at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott, Norfolk, VA. More information about the conference, including registration, can be found here.

Click the buttons below for a downloadable PDF of the committee's complete selections for the 2023 Graphic Novel Diversity Awards, including the winners, honors, and overflow choices. Learn more about the Graphic Novel Diversity Award and committee information here.

Adult Winner Booklist ButtonYouth Winner Booklist Button

2023 Adult Winner

The committee is pleased to announce Queenie: Godmother of Harlem by Elizabeth Colomba and Aurelie Levy, published by ABRAMS as the 2023 Adult Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winner.

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner Creators 2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner Creator

2023 Youth Winner

The committee is pleased to announce Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo Duvall, published by Levine Querido as the 2023 Youth Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winner.

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner Creators2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner Creators

 2023 Adult Honors

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 Youth Honors

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor


VLA ACRL Member Survey Results


In May 2024, VLA President Nan Carmack and VLACRL Chair Jenny Stout created a survey titled “VLA ACRL Member Survey” and shared it across the VLA and VLACRL member listservs. VLACRL is the Virginia Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, therefore, this survey was of particular interest to librarians who work in college and university libraries in Virginia. The purpose of this survey was to solicit member input for VLARCL programming to ensure that the forum meets the needs of its members.

Click here to see the results of the survey.

Thanks to all who participated in this survey! VLACRL Leadership is in the process of discussing possible future events that align with the results.

Do you have questions or ideas? Email Jenny Stout at [email protected]


2024 Scholarship Recipients

2024 VLA Scholarship Recipients

The VLA Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 scholarship recipients. Congratulations to Sahadev Poudel, Gay Acompandado, and Shannon Marrero on their academic excellence and dedication to librarianship in Virginia. They each receive $3000 from VLA to help with costs associated with their education.

 Sahadev Poudel

Sahadev Poudel 2024 Scholarship Winner.Sahadev Poudel, a passionate advocate for library services and community engagement, has dedicated himself to breaking down barriers and promoting access to information. As a member of the immigrant community, Sahadev recognizes the gaps in awareness surrounding library resources and services. His dream is to become a librarian—a role that allows him to champion for reading, learning, and equitable access to knowledge. Currently serving as a Maker Lab Coordinator, Sahadev has transformed his library into a vibrant learning space. His work in creating a dynamic environment for exploration and creativity underscores his commitment to education and innovation. However, Sahadev aspires to go further. His specific goal is to become a STEAM Librarian, leveraging his passion for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics to inspire library users.

To achieve this dream, Sahadev knows that obtaining a master’s degree in library science is essential. Without this foundational qualification, he cannot fully step into a leadership role within the library field. Sahadev envisions himself advocating for Maker Labs not only in his own branch but across the entire FCPL (Fairfax County Public Libraries) system. His voice, informed by both practical experience and academic knowledge, will shape the future of library services. Sahadev is grateful for his supportive work environment, where his daily experiences inform his studies and vice versa. Sahadev strives to complete his master’s degree, which will serve as the backbone of his career. With this credential, he can lead, manage, and coordinate system-wide Maker Labs, ensuring that every branch embraces STEAM programming and fosters a love for creative learning. Congratulations, Sahadev!

 Gay Acompanado

Gay Acompandado 2024 Scholarship WinnerGay Acompanado, a dedicated and passionate scholar, has made significant contributions to the field of librarianship. With over 16 years of combined library experience, Gay has held classified full-time staff roles in two Virginia academic libraries. Her journey began as an archival assistant at the Special Collections and Archives of James Branch Cabell Library, part of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries. During her four years in this role, she gained valuable hands-on experience working with historical materials and unique collections.

For the past 12 years, Gay has served as the Art Library Supervisor at the Elise N. Hofheimer Art Library within the Old Dominion University Libraries. In this position, she has been instrumental in helping students, faculty, staff, and library users connect with resources that support their information needs and interests. Her commitment to library instruction, reference services, research support, collection development, and programming has made a lasting impact on the academic community. Recognizing the importance of continuous growth and professional development, Gay is now pursuing an MLIS degree from ODU’s recently accredited MLIS program. This strategic step will allow her to transition from her current professional associate role to more promising career opportunities as a professional librarian. Gay aspires to take on leadership positions in the future, leveraging her expertise in library management, providing course instruction, and engaging in community outreach. Her passion for teaching primary sources and unique collections aligns perfectly with her vision for a dynamic career in librarianship. As she advances, Gay aims to create user-centered library services, manage teams and projects effectively, and advocate for a diverse staff. Her dedication to the field exemplifies the spirit of scholarship and service that defines her journey as a scholar and librarian. Congratulations, Gay!

Shannon Marrero

Shannon Marrero 2024 Scholarship WinnerShannon Marrero is an extraordinary individual whose journey has been shaped by resilience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to learning. From childhood visits to the local library to overcoming health challenges, her story is one of determination and inspiration. At age 10, Shannon faced a life-altering diagnosis of Optic Neuritis. Undeterred, she turned to books as a source of solace and knowledge. Even through blurry vision, she immersed herself in stories like “My Mama is a Llama” by Deborah Guarino, a testament to her indomitable spirit.

During her college years, Shannon delved into the world of libraries, completing three years of work study at Shenandoah University’s Library and in the Pharmacy Library at the University of Connecticut. Her passion for literature and community engagement led her to the children’s department at Chesapeake Public Library, where she offers invaluable reader’s advisory services. By recommending books tailored to young readers’ interests, Shannon encourages a lifelong love of reading. But Shannon doesn’t stop there. As a Registered Yoga and Children’s Yoga Teacher, she creates imaginative adventures through programs like reader’s theater, teen painting sessions, and children’s yoga classes. These initiatives not only enhance literacy and theater skills but also ignite enthusiasm for reading among children and teens. With a stellar academic record (a proud 4.0 student at the University of Alabama pursuing an MLIS), Shannon embodies a spirit of library transformation and renewal. Her vision extends beyond physical books, focusing on digital literacy and empowering others in their research pursuits. Settling in Suffolk, Virginia with her husband, she plans to continue her impactful work as a Youth Librarian after graduating in the summer of 2025. Congratulations, Shannon!

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