2016 Banned Book Display Contest

Next week is Banned Books Week (September 23 - October 3) and if you're like many of us, you already have your events and displays in order and ready to launch! Fantastic! 

Don't forget to document your events and displays so that you can submit them for our annual Banned and Challenged Books Week display contest. The VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee supports access to information in all its wonderful varieties, formats and genres. We want to help libraries across Virginia highlight their collections, including materials which have been challenged.  

Please share photographs (and any other PR materials) of your creative displays or programs with us (email to [email protected]) by October 12th. The winning library will be announced at the VLA conference in October. 

You'll get bragging rights (and a nice certificate) for the whole year -- good luck!

Last years’ winner was Augusta County Library -- who put together an art show in partnership with local artists. Those artists created works of art about censorship covered by their local newspapers.

Thank you,

The VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee