Intellectual Freedom Display Contest 2023 sponsored by the VLA Intellectual Freedom CommitteeHas your library created a display or program during 2023 that promotes the ideas of intellectual freedom and the freedom to read, whether for Banned Books Week, Freedom of Information Day, Sunshine Week, Choose Privacy Week, academic freedom, or any other topic related to the First Amendment and censorship?The Intellectual Freedom Committee is sponsoring a contest to recognize efforts to support access to information in Virginia’s libraries. We encourage you to submit your best activities, displays, events, and programs for this contest. Awards will be presented to both an academic library and a public library. Here is the link to the contest application form. The IFC will review all submissions and choose the winners, which will be announced during the annual VLA Conference in October. We encourage (but do not require) both photographs and a narrative about your event. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, October 12, 2023. If you have questions or cannot access the contest form in Google, please contact Rebecca Lamb. Winners will receive a certificate and bragging rights for a year. Good luck!