Welcome to the 2023 VLAPAF Conference April 23-25, 2023
Click here for the current schedule.
On behalf of the Executive Board of the Virginia Library Association Professional Associates Forum (VLAPAF), we would like to extend a warm welcome to our conference this year. Due to COVID and the change to having a conference every other year, we are so excited to have you all join us since our last conference was in 2018. We are lucky to be able to have this conference at the beautiful Newport News Marriott at City Center.
“The Library: Cornerstone of Your Community” was chosen as the conference theme this year since over the past several years, all libraries have proven their worth in the community whether their doors were closed or opened. The buildings may have been closed, but our services continued. Your library’s success during this difficult time was due to staff dedication and ability to change course at any moment to serve your patrons.
What allows for this wonderful service? Understanding of the people we serve. No matter what position you hold in your library, whether it’s a public, academic, school, or special library, you make difference in the lives of every individual you encounter on a daily basis. This could be in-person, on the telephone, or virtually. We all play an important role!
Our Keynote Speaker on Monday morning, Maurice Coleman, will share his expertise in relating not only to our customers, but also to our fellow staff members. We hope you enjoy his humorous take on communication. The conference will then continue with individual sessions that relate to Youth Services, Technical Services, Customer Service, Outreach Services, General Services, and Professional Development. New this year, we will have a networking session each day, called our “Snowball Fight”. Stay tuned for more information on what this is all about!
We will close our conference on Tuesday afternoon with speakers from Urban Librarians Unite, sharing their work, the Urban Library Trauma Study. We will then have our closing popular Raffle Basket giveaway. New this year will be the ability to purchase raffle tickets on-line.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone and we sincerely hope you enjoy the conference the VLAPAF Board has planned for you this year. Once the conference is over, share with your colleagues any new ideas you have gained from the conference and urge them to join us in 2025! Please complete your conference evaluations as these help us to continue to improve on what YOU want at the next conference. If you would like to become a Board member and join a great team of Professional Associates, please see any one of us at the conference or e-mail us directly.
See you soon!
Kathy Clevenger, Co-Chair, VLAPAF [email protected] Debbie Pence, Co-Chair, VLAPAF [email protected]
A block of rooms has been reserved for VLAPAF Conference rate of $119 per night. Click here to reserve your room. You must reserve your room by March 24, 2023, to receive the discounted rate.
