VLA 2023 Election of Officers Results

Please join us in congratulating the newly elected members of the Virginia Library Association Executive Committee for 2023!

Nan Carmack has been elected to a 3-year term as Vice-President/President-Elect. Nan is currently the Director of Library Development and Networking at the Library of Virginia.





Rebecca Purdy has been elected to a 2-year term as Secretary. Rebecca is currently Deputy Director at Central Rappahannock Regional Library.




Kerri Copus has been elected to a 3-year term as ALA Councilor. Kerri is currently a part of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library System.




Nan, Rebecca, and Kerri will begin their roles at the conclusion of the VLA Annual Conference Business Meeting, Friday, October 21, in Norfolk, VA.

They will join the other members of the 2023 VLA Executive Committee:
Kimberly Knight, President
K. T. Vaughan, Immediate Past-President
Kyle Binaxas, Treasurer
Zach Elder, 2nd Vice President
Lisa R. Varga, Executive Director